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For your convenience, you can pay for the order using any of the following methods:

Я принимаю Яндекс.Деньги Yandex.Money

Yandex.Money is an available and secure way to pay for goods and services via the Internet. By filling in the payment form in our e-shop, you will be redirected to the website Yandex.Money, where you can make the payment. If you do not have an account at website Yandex.Money, you can open it on a payment system website.
Our wallet number is 410011194237695.

сбербанкIn any branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation

You can print out a receipt with our payment details.
You should only fill the column with the sum of your order and inform us after the payment or send us a copy of the receipt.

Pay by cash in the head office of our company.

Our requisites

ООО «Водолей»
Юридический адрес: 109240 г.Москва ул Радищевская Верхн.Д. 6. стр. 1 офис 12Б.
ИНН 7705929098 КПП 770501001
р/с 407028 105 00000003004
ООО КБ «Максима» г. Москва
БИК 044585435
к/с 301018 101 00000000435