Yandex.Money is an available and secure way to pay for goods and services via the Internet. By filling in the payment form in our e-shop, you will be redirected to the website Yandex.Money, where you can make the payment.
If you do not have an account at website Yandex.Money, you can open it on
You can print out
a receipt with our payment details.
You should only fill the column with the sum of your order and inform us after the payment or send us a copy of the receipt.
Pay by cash in the head office of our company.
Our requisites
ООО «Водолей»
Юридический адрес: 109240 г.Москва ул Радищевская Верхн.Д. 6. стр. 1 офис 12Б.
ИНН 7705929098 КПП 770501001
р/с 407028 105 00000003004
ООО КБ «Максима» г. Москва
БИК 044585435
к/с 301018 101 00000000435